Thursday, February 1, 2007

Days 54-56 - A Dwindling Bank Account

I was out level-grinding for a few days, so I had to catch up on his care.

Day 54 - More timely deliveries, and a well-earned 200g. Unfortunately, he became lovesick again.

Day 55-56 - 400g for two more days of package deliveries.

Noble Crimson likes me a lot, but his Endurance remains Outstanding. I was really hoping for First-Class when I got back! We started off by going on a long walk to the foggy marshes of Pashhow. We met Brutus who encouraged our good work. We then took a short and uneventful walk to North Gustaberg by the waterfall. This took a lot out of him, so I watched over him four times before dinner. He still only liked me a lot. I wound up buying him a a stack of Azouph Greens for 4k. Factoring in his earnings, the Chocobo Fund is now at 85,103g. He makes 200g a day but he eats almost 335g worth of greens a day... Hm. This does not bode well for my bank account. Perhaps this was a bad time for me to purchase a Noble's Bed. On the up side, the two bunches of greens were all it took to have him regarding me as a parent again.

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