Sunday, January 21, 2007

Day 43-44 - The Springtime of Youth

Day 43 - A normal day of package delivery. Zopago informed me that now is the best time to improve his attributes. NobleCrimson is beginning to develop quite a distinguished air.

Day 44 - A day of basic care to recover a little. Unfortunately, he quickly became bored.

In incredible news, his Strength has risen to Outstanding and his endurance to Impressive! Before long, I'll be able to begin training on his mental faculties. He raced twice today and Fast won the first time... I really have no idea what happened. However, Crimson made his comeback on the second race. We then took a short walk, and he found me a Quadav Backplate! What a nice find! I watched over him five times. For dinner, he ate two Vomp Carrots and a bunch of Azouph Greens. He went from wanting to be with me all the time, to regarding me as a parent.

The 200g from deliveries, plus 2000g made from selling a Quadav Backplate and Goblin Mask he found, brings the Chocobo Fund up to 86,303k.

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