Friday, January 26, 2007

Day 50 - A Wonderful Day

Finally at that landmark Day 50! He ran more package deliveries today, and all went well. The 200g brings the Chocobo Fund up to 88,303g. He's gotten over his love-sickness and appears to be feeling better, and remains full of energy! His Endurance also rose to Outstanding! He raced against Fast twice and won both times. Wahboud may think a great deal of his bird, but it's my NobleCrimson that will make me a mint in the races... Especially once I start work on his mental attributes as well. I may have wanted red, but this is going to turn out to be my Golden Chocobo!

We went on two short walks, meeting Zopago and Chaos on the first. The second time, he found an ear of millioncorn for me. I watched over him twice before dinner. For dinner, he ate two Vomp Carrots and a bunch of Azouph Greens. It's very important that I feed him in that order, or else he'll fill up on greens before he can eat both carrots. He went from wanting to be with me all the time, to regarding me as a parent again.

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