Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Day 19 - Happy Birthday!

My harvest this morning brought in 14 Vomp Carrots. Also, I sold one ball of carrot paste on auction for 5k, bringing my Chocobo fund up to 63,103g. Finally I'm going to start making some money now!

NobleCrimson went on a walk with Zopago, and when he returned to the stable, I got to get my first look at his adolesence. Sadly, he's a yellow chocobo with white tips... I was very disappointed. But at least I can raise him to be a very strong chocobo. Zopago says he has a lot of energy, maybe even too much. His strength remains Substandard but his endurance has risen to A Bit Deficient. I've set up a week long plan of carrying packages.

First off, we took a regular walk to the Konschtat Highlands. We ran into Bashraf, Foundeel, and Wahbound with their black chocobo named Fast. After that, we had a race in town. It looked like Fast had the clear lead, but NobleCrimson pulled it out in the end and won! Unfortunately, I lost the rematch. I watched over NobleCrimson twice before dinner. It took three Vomp Carrots to completely fill him up.

He may not be going down the path I wanted, but he's still going to make for an excellent sire someday. When he grows up, I plan to find another red dame and try again. But in the meantime, I'm going to make him as strong and fast as I can!

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