Thursday, December 28, 2006

Day 20 - A New Plan

Today was the last day of walking with Zopago, at least for a while. NobleCrimson seemed very interested in the Mines. He remains in a perky mood. He's also full of energy today, so now's the chance to get in some rigorous physical training! Furthermore, he seemed unusually bright and focused today, which would've been wonderful if we were doing mental training too. He raced against Fast four times today. To my amazement, he won three times and tied for the fourth! After his second win, Wahboud and Bashraf had an argument and Bashraf told me the Story Of A Happy Chocobo. He still had enough energy for me to watch over him four times without totally wearingh im out. I'm absolutely thrilled with NobleCrimson's progress already, and he seems in high spirits too.

For dinner he ate three Vomp Carrots. I'll admit, I was a little depressed he came out yellow, but now I'm extremely excited about this bird! Since carrying packages puts a lot of stress on a chocobo and may lower his affection toward me, I may consider working some Azouph Greens into his diet. But we'll see when the time comes. Tomorrow he starts his first package route.

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